Hereโ€™s everything you need to know to prepare your home for a new baby, including the newborn gown you will love!

newborn wearing knotted baby gown on bed

Featuring knotted baby gown from Jules Collectionย 

Bringing home a new baby is an incredibly exciting milestone, but it takes a lot of preparing before you even get to the delivery room. Your beautiful newborn will consume your time (and your energy) when you return home, so preparing your home eases some new-mom stress. A few chores, checklists and packed bags later, youโ€™re ready for baby to arrive. In the end, it will be worth the preparation because youโ€™ll be able to focus entirely on your peanut.

A Checklist for Prepping your Home for a New Babyย 

The steps you take to prepare your home for a newborn will vary from household to household, but here are a few of the ways we recommend you prepare:

baby wearing floral newborn knotted gown

Featuring newborn knotted gown from Rima Collection

Deep Clean โ€“ Once you return home with your new baby, neither you or your partner will have any energy to clean for a while. Whether you choose to take on the task yourself or hire a team, deep cleaning your home in the weeks leading up to your due date will make you feel at ease before labor begins. Not only does this provide a clean slate (literally!) for a new family member but it also sanitizes major surfaces, keeping you and baby germ-free post-delivery. Coming home with a newborn simply feels better in a clean home. Even if itโ€™s just one clean room, try to plan ahead to ease your stress.

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Safety Check โ€“ Sure, your newborn wonโ€™t be climbing into cleaning cabinets anytime soon, but any parent knows how quickly time can get away from you. Instead of saving this chore for a time when youโ€™re sleep-deprived, get a head start. Try some โ€œlightโ€ baby proofing and move items like cleaning products and medicines to places away from a crawling babyโ€™s reach. Future you will thank you for getting it over with.

Pack Bags โ€“ Youโ€™ll want to get your go bag packed and ready to go when youโ€™re in labor. Donโ€™t forget to pack items for you, your partner and your newest family member. You know we love to show moms how to mix and match with their newborn at the hospital. A newborn knotted gown, one piece or a swaddle blanket is the perfect first outfit for your baby. And don't forget that special newborn coming home outfit! Have those outfits picked out and bags ready to grab and go when the moment hits!

Keep up on Laundry โ€“ While you may not know when youโ€™ll actually go into labor, youโ€™ll want to be ready for anything. Keeping up on your laundry as you approach your due date is a must. The last thing youโ€™ll want to do after a day of caring for your 3-day-old is another load of laundry. Use this opportunity to remove any tags and pre-wash any baby clothing.

Clean the Kitchen and Fridge โ€“ Along with a deep clean, make sure to rearrange some items in your kitchen cabinets and fridge to accommodate a slew of new baby gear. Cleaning out your fridge will not only be good for your weekly to-do list but for making room for things like formula, breastmilk or a casserole your mom brings over

Prep Meals โ€“ If you have a freezer, this is the time to use every inch! Try pre-making your favorite meals and freezing them for future dinners. When you havenโ€™t slept or gone grocery shopping, youโ€™ll be thankful to have your favorites on ice.

What else do you recommend to prepare your home for a new addition?

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Holly Wade

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