How to Transition Your Baby from Bassinet to Crib
Watching your tiny newborn outgrow their bassinet can stir up a wave of emotions. One moment, you’re bringing home your precious bundle of joy; the next, they’re ready for their “big kid” crib.
It’s a bittersweet reminder of how quickly they grow and change, marking yet another milestone in their journey.
Fortunately, with some preparation and patience, moving your baby from a bassinet to a crib can be a smooth experience.
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While many parents prefer the coziness and convenience of a bassinet for those early newborn days (especially during midnight feeding sessions), cribs are safe for newborns when properly set up.
To ensure a safe night's sleep, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby sleep in the same room as you for the first six months. Whether it’s in a crib or a bassinet, the organization emphasizes that your baby should be placed on a firm, flat surface, separate from the adult bed, and free of loose blankets and soft items.1
Like those adorable monthly milestone photos you’ve been taking, your baby’s first time in a crib is another snapshot-worthy development you’ll remember for years to come.
That said, how do you know when to transition from bassinet to crib?
While every baby is different, there are some clear signs that your little one is ready to make the move. Most bassinets have a weight limit between 15-20 pounds, but your baby might be ready to move on before they reach that weight limit. Little ones who are four to six months old may also be ready to make the crib transition, as they often begin to develop greater strength and coordination.
For instance, once your baby starts showing signs of more advanced motor skills, such as rolling over or pushing up on their hands, a crib’s sturdy sides offer better protection for these curious movers than the shorter walls of a bassinet.
If they start to look cramped or uncomfortable when sleeping, this may be another indicator that it’s time to transition your little one to a larger sleeping space.
Ultimately, you know your baby best. These developmental milestones are guidelines, not strict rules, so follow your intuition when it comes time to transition.
Like mastering the perfect swaddle or finally curating the ideal feeding schedule, transitioning your baby into a crib will be a learning process for everyone involved, including your little one.
We’ve broken down this process into manageable steps to show you how to get your baby to sleep in their crib.
Think of daytime naps as your “practice runs.” They’re the perfect opportunity to help your baby get comfortable in their new sleep space without the pressure of keeping them down for a long rest. Plus, we’re all more patient and clear-headed when it’s not 3 in the morning!
First, place your baby in the crib for one nap a day. Stay in the room for a few minutes to reassure your little one that this new space is safe and cozy. You’ll be surprised how quickly your little one adapts to their roomier sleep spot.
Your baby's crib is their sanctuary—a cozy haven where they can settle in and drift off into sweet dreams each time you lay them down to rest.
Just as you’ve carefully put together every nursery detail, the same attention should go into creating the perfect crib environment.
Essential elements for a sleep-ready crib include:
A firm, properly fitted crib mattress – Your crib mattress should fit snugly in the crib and have a firm mattress surface in order to support your baby’s developing spine. Look for a firm mattress that meets safety standards and is made from non-toxic materials, ensuring a safe newborn sleep environment.
Fitted sheets in breathable fabrics – Fitted crib sheets made from breathable fabrics, such as cotton or viscose from bamboo, are essential for maintaining a comfortable newborn sleep environment. Breathable materials allow for proper airflow, helping regulate your baby's body temperature and reducing the risk of overheating. It's also wise to have multiple sheets on hand for quick changes in case of nighttime accidents, ensuring that your baby always sleeps on a clean surface.
A baby monitor in a safe position away from the crib – Position the baby monitor safely away from the crib to prevent any potential hazards, such as the cord being within reach of your baby. Opt for a monitor with clear audio and video capabilities, allowing you to monitor your baby's movements and sounds without disturbing their sleep. Some modern monitors even include features like temperature sensors and lullabies, enhancing your ability to create a soothing baby sleep environment.
A lack of soft objects and loose bedding – To ensure your baby's safety during sleep, it's essential to keep the crib free of soft objects and loose bedding. This includes pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and bumper pads. Instead, dress your baby for sleep in a wearable blanket or sleep bag , which provides warmth without the risk of loose bedding.
Cool room temperature (68-72°F)2 – A cooler environment reduces the risk of overheating. Use a room thermometer to monitor the temperature, and adjust the thermostat or use a fan to keep air circulating. Additionally, dressing your baby in lightweight, breathable sleepwear can help them stay comfortable throughout the night, making for a more restful sleep experience.
Safety always comes first when your baby is involved, so double-check that your crib meets current safety standards and is correctly assembled, too.
Here’s a little secret experienced parents know well: babies thrive on routine, especially when it comes to sleep! Whether you’re using the bassinet or crib, maintaining your established bedtime routine will ease your baby into the transition.3
Your bedtime routine might look something like this:
A warm bath with gentle baby wash
Cozy baby pajamas and a fresh diaper
Dim lighting and soft music
Feeding time
Gentle cuddles and a bedtime story
A consistent bedtime
Relaxing music, verbal affirmations, or a lullaby
The familiarity of these steps helps your baby understand that sleep time is near, regardless of where they’re laying their precious head.
Transitions aren’t always smooth sailing, and that’s perfectly okay! Sleeping in a crib vs. bassinet is a big adjustment. Some babies take to their crib like little champs, while others need more time to adjust to new sleep patterns. After all, you can imagine how strange it must feel to sleep in an entirely new place.
Here are some other mom-tested strategies to help ease the transition:
Prioritize quality time – Spend playtime around the crib during the day so that your baby becomes more familiar with the crib and its surroundings in their new space.
Gradually increase distance – Linger by your baby’s crib each night as they fall asleep, moving progressively further each night until they feel comfortable sleeping with you outside the room. Make sure you return when they wake up and give lots of positive reinforcement and praise during these times.
Utilize the Ferber method – This strategy, also called “gradual extinction,” was developed by Richard Ferber, MD. It works by leaving the room once you place your baby in their crib, then waiting a short period of time (about three minutes at first) before coming to comfort them. Each day, gradually increase the time they are left alone until they feel comfortable sleeping on their own.4
Build familiarity – Use the same sleep bag or swaddle they loved in their bassinet to offer a sense of familiarity. Having them take naps in the crib also helps this process. Ensure you stay consistent with your routine, gradually increase the distance, use the Ferber method, or find another routine that works for you.
There are endless books, tips, and tricks out there for how to not only transition your baby into a crib, but on baby sleep training in general. Since every baby’s sleep preferences are as varied as their personalities, it may take some trial and error to work out the best sleepytime routine when switching from bassinet to crib.
It’s also important to note that sleep training and transitioning to a crib are two different things, but they can work together to help your baby comfortably switch to their new sleeping arrangement. Just try to make significant changes for your infant (like teething, moving homes, or transitioning to their crib) one at a time so they don’t get overwhelmed.
The bassinet-to-crib journey is just the beginning of your little one’s sleep milestones. While these changes might initially feel overwhelming (what parenting transition doesn’t?), remember that this change opens up a world of comfort and safer sleep for your growing baby.
Take it one nap at a time, trust your instincts, and remember there’s no “perfect” timeline. Some babies might love sleeping in their crib immediately, while others might need weeks to adjust to new sleep patterns. Both scenarios are entirely normal!
Before you know it, your little one will be sleeping soundly in their crib, and you’ll be wondering what you were ever worried about. After all, one of life's greatest joys is watching these small steps as your baby continues to grow and thrive.
At Posh Peanut, we understand that comfort is key to peaceful sleep. Our signature, silky-soft crib sheets are crafted with Päpook® viscose from bamboo , keeping your baby cozy while being gentle on their delicate skin.
Complete their bedtime set with our matching sleep sacks and colorful baby pajamas, designed to make your little one feel comfortable all night. When your baby feels cozy and content, sweet dreams come naturally, after all.
Ready to create a dreamy sleep space for your growing baby? Explore our nursery collection today and make your little one’s transition from bassinet to crib the joyful change it was always meant to be.
1 American Academy of Pediatrics. Updated 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment.
2 WebMD. What's the Right Room Temperature for a Baby?
3 Healthy Children. Brush, Book, Bed: How to Structure Your Child’s Nighttime Routine.
4 Parents. How to Use the Ferber Method to Sleep Train Your Baby.