Essential Advice for New Parents
As a new parent, you’re mastering endless diaper changes and figuring out how to balance parenthood.
We’re here to remind you to soak up every sweet coo and those fleeting moments of skin-to-skin cuddles. After all, they’re only this tiny for a little while. Before you know it, your newborn will be crawling and giggling through their first bites of pureed carrots.
Until that day comes, we’re sharing some of our favorite tips for new parents.
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If you’re preparing for your baby’s arrival, refer to this cheat sheet of tips for expecting parents:
Gather the basics – It probably goes without saying, but here’s a gentle reminder: You can never have enough diapers, wipes, bodysuits, and burp cloths. (Pro tip: Start with one pack of each diaper size instead of overloading on the newborn size. Babies grow fast, and they’ll outgrow those tiny diapers in no time).
Create a cozy sleep environment – Along with the baby’s crib (or a bassinet for those first few months), we recommend a variety of swaddle and sleep sack options. Sound machines and blackout curtains can also work wonders in creating the perfect sleep space.
Organize a diaper bag – It’s easy to overthink and stuff your diaper bags with everything from board books to full-size bottles of diaper cream. Keep it simple by packing only the essentials: a few diapers, a travel-sized bottle of diaper cream, wipes, a spare outfit or two, a changing pad, and a pacifier (if they use one). Also, consider keeping an extra diaper caddy stocked with essentials in your car for emergencies—because we’ve all had those days where we forget to pack everything we need!
Baby accessories – From burp cloths to pacifiers and bottle warmers, having the right baby accessories can make life so much easier when caring for your newborn. Make sure to have a well-rounded collection of these items on hand to stay prepared for all situations.
If you’re typically a schedule queen or king, you’ll love the idea of creating a routine with your new baby. However, your little prince or princess may not be as eager to stick to a set schedule right away. It could take two to four months before you can start building a routine for your baby—but trust us, it’ll come before you know it! 1
Here’s some advice to help when the time comes:
Track their feeding and sleeping patterns – Keeping a log helps you spot natural rhythms and determine their wake windows (those brief periods when they’re happily awake and alert). It also will help you keep track of feeding patterns.
Create a flexible schedule – Just because they slept for two hours yesterday morning doesn’t mean you’ll get a repeat performance today. Some days, they’ll follow their usual eating and sleeping patterns. Other days may be a little less routine—and that’s perfectly fine. Pay attention to their cues to make sure they’re getting enough sleep and milk.
Don’t stress – Babies adapt quickly, and most thrive on some sort of routine. If they’re not ready at two months old, no worries! Just keep aiming for consistency, but be prepared to go with the flow until that magical day arrives when you start to see some predictability.
Babies come into the world on their own timeline—and they bring their untamed internal clock with them. They won’t know the difference between 3 a.m. and 3 p.m. at first, but you can help them understand night from day by establishing a calming nighttime routine from the very beginning.
These tips won’t instantly reset their circadian rhythm, but they’ll help your newborn adjust more quickly: 2
Indulge in bath time – A relaxing bath (every day or every other day) about an hour before bed is a perfect first step in creating a nighttime routine.
Lather them up – After their bath, pamper your little one with a gentle baby lotion and get them snug in cozy baby pajamas - ideally, a long-sleeve one-piece with convertible mittens and footies to keep them warm and comfy.
Read a book – It’s never too early to start reading to your baby! Reading a short book (or two) is less stimulating than screen time and is a perfect way to help calm their little mind and body before bed.
Top off with a milk nightcap – Feed your baby before laying them in their crib or bassinet. This not only fills their belly but also makes them drowsy, and may help them drift off to sleep more easily.
When you’re wrapped up in cuddling and caring for your perfect little peanut, it’s easy to forget a critical piece of the parenting puzzle - you. To function at your best, it’s important to take care of yourself, whether that’s indulging in a trip to the nail salon or asking a family member to come over for a few hours so you can finally take that much-deserved cat nap.
Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.
As a caregiver, you’re already a superhero, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all on your own. Building a network of friends and family or even professional help, like a cleaner, gives you the backup you need when things feel overwhelming.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as picking up the phone and venting about a challenging day with your newborn. Other times, it could be asking your friend to come over and cook dinner while you take a moment to rest. Having a support system helps you stay grounded and reminds you that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Comfort is key when you’re spending endless days at home with your little one in your family cocoon. So, while you’re nap-trapped and shopping for cute baby jammies on your phone, don’t forget to treat yourself, too. Choose pajamas made from soft, breathable fabrics that make you want to relax and snuggle in bed.
And speaking of that bed you’ll eventually sleep in, refresh your bedding with soft, luxurious sheets that give you that hotel-like feeling the second you slip under the covers. Taking these small moments to prioritize your comfort will help you recharge and be the best version of yourself for both you and your newborn baby.
Despite all the beautiful moments, it wouldn’t be parenting without a few challenges thrown into the mix. Here are some tips to help you navigate those tricky times.
Babies wake up every few hours to eat, rain or shine, day or night. 3 While this can leave you feeling drained, there are ways to make it a little more manageable:
Sleep when they sleep – It may sound like a cliché, but it really works. Try to take advantage of the occasional moments when your little one is napping. Even a short, 20-minute power nap can do wonders to recharge your energy.
Take turns for nighttime duties – If you’re not exclusively breastfeeding, try taking shifts with your partner at night. One of you can be on duty during the first half of the night, giving the other a solid four or five hours of uninterrupted sleep. Then, swap roles so both of you can enjoy a decent rest.
Prioritize rest – That pile of laundry isn’t going anywhere. If you need to take a break and rest, do it. Your well-being comes first, and your energy will be replenished far more by a nap than by ticking off chores.
Feeding struggles are common, and it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Here are a few ways to handle feeding challenges with ease:
Consult a lactation expert – Lactation consultants can help troubleshoot feeding difficulties. Many will come to your home and offer guidance, helping you practice feeding techniques so you feel more confident.
Experiment with different bottles and formulas – If you’re using formula, it might take a bit of trial and error before you find the one your newborn baby loves and can tolerate. The same applies to bottles—different designs can make a big difference in how your baby feeds, so don’t be afraid to experiment to find the right fit.
Your baby might only be awake for short periods those first few weeks, but there are plenty of ways to bond:
Enjoy skin-to-skin contact – Kick back and relax with your little one, with their bare skin directly against yours. It can help regulate their body temperature and offer them comfort and security, all while creating a special, intimate connection.
Talk to them – Even though your baby can’t respond with words just yet, they love hearing your voice. After all, it was your voice they heard every day in the womb. Talk to them as you’re doing chores next to them or sing them lullabies just because.
Support them during tummy time – It may be in short bursts at first, but tummy time is essential for child development. Make it even more personal by lying on the floor with them and cheering them on as they lift their head or make their first little attempts.
Parenting is a journey - embrace it! Some moments will feel like second nature, while others will take a little practice, and that’s perfectly okay.
One thing that can make those early days a little easier is ensuring you're fully stocked on baby clothes and supplies. From soft one-pieces, bodysuits, and crib sheets for them to luxurious pajama sets and robes for you, Posh Peanut has everything you need to make those sweet moments even more special.
Find your cozy with Posh Peanut.
1 Baby Center. Baby schedules: Why, when, and how to start a routine.
2 Cleveland Clinic. Should Your Baby Have a Bedtime Routine?
3 Kids Health. Sleep and Your Newborn.